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Jim Ward

Growth for Growth’s Sake

May 11, 2021 | 10:00 am
Episode 7

feat. Ed Kless, Sage

A growth mindset is vital to continued success in modern business. However, focusing solely on growth is not the best way to streamline your business for continued success in the future. As the Senior Director of Partner Development and Strategy for North America at Sage, Ed Kless develops and delivers the curriculum for the Sage Consulting Academy, a course designed to educate Sage Software partners on the art and practice of small business consulting for growth-focused organizations. He also facilitates the Sage Leadership Academy, a yearlong program designed to assist Sage Software partners develop a continuous process of improvement in their organizations and serves as liaison to the Sage Leadership Academy Alumni Association. In this episode of the Growth Enablement Madness Podcast, our host Jim Ward and BrainSell’s VP of Marketing Sarah Reed sit down with Kless to chat about the importance of not having growth be your only desired outcome for your business, while also providing examples of why this is the case. They also discussed how “all change is linguistic” within a company, and how that language shift creates a mentality shift to promote better, more predictable growth.

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