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Jim Ward

Partnering with Diverse Businesses to Fuel Growth

July 31, 2023 | 2:00 pm
Episode 28

Featuring: Heather Cox, Co-Founder, Certify My Company

When considering business growth opportunities, partnerships with diverse businesses are an increasingly promising prospect.  Partnering with diverse businesses to help fuel your business growth is something to consider. By collaborating with diverse businesses, you not only promote inclusivity, but you can also bring fresh perspectives, innovative ideas and unique experiences to the table. 

During this episode of the Growth Enablement Madness podcast, our host Jim Ward chats with Heather Cox, Co-Founder of Certify My Company. With a proven track record of transforming Fortune 1000 supplier diversity programs into profit centers, Certify My Company empowers all types of businesses to unlock their full potential through certification and increased market visibility. Jim and Heather discuss why partnering with diverse businesses is a crucial strategy for growth and provide insightful tips on how you can get started.

Tune in to learn about:

  • Challenges faced by diverse business owners and tips to overcome those hurdles;
  • The true revenue impact of supplier diversity; and 
  • How corporations can find and work with businesses of all background 


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