Salesforce Einstein and the Future of Work: Meet Einstein created a lot of buzz with the release of Einstein, an artificial intelligence (AI) platform. Before you jump the gun and start comparing the pros and cons of Einstein to other AI platforms, take a step back and think about this in a more meaningful way: how will Einstein impact the future of business?
Einstein’s debut reflects a fast-approaching industry-wide shift in business culture and practices. This is why it’s important to strip away the media hype around the platform and take an objective approach to understanding what Einstein and similar platforms are and how they will affect the business industry. So, we put together a guide – the first part of our Salesforce Einstein and the Future of Work guidebook series – to ease you into the complex subjects surrounding AI and business intelligence technologies.
Maybe you’re thinking, “Why does this matter?” Well, the business world is evolving with AI and business intelligence. If you don’t understand how it’s evolving, you may not be making the most informed business decisions. It’s imperative to know where your business stands in all of this fast-moving progress.
AI and business intelligence tools will become a permanent fixture of businesses. So learn about what Einstein means for the future – and the future of your business! Download the ebook.
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