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December 5, 2023 Business Services

Change Management Strategies To Guide Your Implementation

Connor Square v3
By Connor O'Keefe

We get it; change is scary. Change brings uncertainty, doubly so when it comes to changes at work. But change is inevitable; shy away from it, run from it, it’s going to happen eventually. Organizations that deny change often end up getting left behind as markets shift and consumer demands make organizational change a necessity. Change management is the process through which leadership can help their teams work through and overcome the challenges inherit to implementing change at work.

Effectively managing change within an organization necessitates strategic planning, efficient communication, and a commitment to cultivating a positive and resilient culture. We’ll explore the most effective strategies for navigating change and ensuring a seamless transition for both employees and the organization as a whole.

Establish Clear Communication Channels for Managing Change

Communication is the cornerstone of effective change management. If you take nothing else away from this content, it should be communication is king when it comes to the change management process. Leadership should be keeping key stakeholders in the loop 100% of the way through the various stages of the process and should openly and transparently communicate the reasons behind what’s going on, its expected impact, and the benefits it will bring.

80% of the change management process is communication. Team members are much more likely to be on-board and understanding of the program if the information is properly relayed to them and they feel like they’re involved with the process. Team leaders have a responsibility to open channels of communication that make sense for their organizations.

Things like town hall style meetings, newsletters, email, and the like ensure that everyone in the organization is on the same page. Regular updates help to alleviate uncertainty and build trust among employees, a critical, if often overlooked aspect of managing organizational change.

Create a Compelling Vision at the Start of the Change Management Process

Nobody likes getting in a car without knowing where they’re going. One of the most important change management skills is the ability to create a compelling vision for team members and let them know it’s a valuable direction to be headed in. People are more likely to embrace change when they understand the bigger picture.

The management team, along with any other key stakeholders, should articulate a compelling vision for the future, highlighting the positive outcomes that the change will bring. Whether it’s a new software implementation, trying to break into a new market, selling the company, or even something as simple as a set of new processes, there should be a vision articulated somewhere along the line.

Your company’s vision should be aligned with the organization’s values and resonate with employees, inspiring them to actively support the transition in their day-to-day work.

change management strategies

Incorporating all relevant team members into your change management strategies can provide insights that prove invaluable.

Involve Employees in the Proposed Change Process

An organization is more than just your leadership team and senior executives; it’s all your employees. They’re also facing these changes and more than likely have valuable insights as to how the proposed changes will impact daily operations. Employees understand how to make changes stick because they’re going to be the ones dealing with them.

Actively involve the whole organization in the decision-making process where possible, seeking their input and feedback. This gives them a sense of ownership over the changes and can lead to more successful adoption and implementation as well as different perspectives on the process that may prove invaluable. To say nothing of increasing employee morale by including them in the process.

When you manage change, it’s important that employees are given the proper support and resources they need to adjust. Ensure that there’s plenty of training for any new processes or procedures being implemented but also fosters a sense of ownership and commitment among the workforce. Employees who feel heard and valued are more likely to embrace and champion the change and ultimately, achieve success. Involving employees should be a key part of all change management strategies.

Allow Key Stakeholders to Build a Change-Ready Company Culture

Anyone who was ever in the Scouts can always tell you the importance of being prepared. The easiest problems to solve are the ones you’ve come to the table prepared for. Successful, major initiatives are easy to attain when your company culture is conducive to growth and change.

A shocking number of organizations are heavily resistant to change of any sort. Research shows that a staggering 70% of all change initiatives fail, largely in part due to businesses that are culturally change adverse. Organizations that thrive in the face of change cultivate a culture that values innovation, adaptability, and continuous improvement. Leaders and management alike should actively promote these values and recognize and reward behaviors that support change initiatives and whatever helpful new idea they encounter.

Creating a culture that embraces change as a constant can position the organization to navigate future transitions with greater ease. The path forward may not always be clear or easy to navigate but having an agile organizational philosophy and openminded leadership style at the helm of the ship means you’ll always get through the journey.

change management strategies

Training and support are critical in the months after an implementation project. Set your team up for success.

Provide Training and Support Through Organizational Change

Your change management strategy often comes with the need for new skills and competencies. To ensure a smooth transition, invest in comprehensive training programs that equip employees with the tools they need to adapt to the new way of doing things.

Training should cover a wide range of topics, including technology and processes, in addition to soft skills such as communication and conflict resolution. It’s also important to provide ongoing support during this process—meaningful feedback, coaching, and access to resources can help employees stay on track and find solutions when challenges arise. Regular check-ins with team members can help them feel connected.

Additionally, offer ongoing support through mentorship programs and resources that address concerns and challenges as they arise.

Anticipate and Address Resistance to Organizational Change

Resistance to change is a natural human reaction, especially when it’s organizational change in the workplace. Leaders should proactively identify potential sources of resistance and develop change management strategies to address them.

This may involve open dialogue, addressing misconceptions, or providing additional resources to ease the transition. Acknowledging and validating concerns can go a long way in building a more positive and cooperative atmosphere.

Effectively managing change within an organization is a complex but essential task. By prioritizing clear communication, involving employees, and fostering a culture that embraces change, leaders can position their organizations for success and continued relevance in a market that changes whether we’re ready for it or not.

Ready for change but still need some guidance with your change management strategies? BrainSell can help. Our consulting and digital transformation teams are well-versed in change management best practices including the ADKAR model and others. We have years of experience effectively managing change in organizations just like yours and out proven track record speaks for itself.

Want to Learn More About Our Digital Transformation Services?

Change Management is critical to any technology project, but it’s only one small part of a larger digital transformation that can see your company reorganize and revitalize.

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Author Bio

Connor O'Keefe

Connor O'Keefe joined BrainSell as the content marketing manager in 2023 but has enjoyed writing since he was old enough to spell his name. Connor's passion for creating content is rivaled only on his love for camping trips and trivia nights.

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