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June 14, 2023 Business Technologies

Mitigate CRM Implementation Risks With 5 Simple Questions

Connor Square v3
By Connor O'Keefe

A successful CRM implementation does not end with a purchase. In fact, making the purchase is only half the battle. The implementation process is where most businesses find their difficulties with their new software. There’s so many factors and risks involved in CRM implementation that the vast majority of them fail, and businesses just return to their previous flawed solution.

In the face of those odds, even embarking on a new CRM implementation venture can seem daunting, but there are strategies you can enact to mitigate these common risk factors. And they’re as simple as taking some time and asking some questions.

Taking a step back to fully assess your situation is never a bad idea in any situation; CRM implementation included. Risk mitigation begins with understanding the current state of your customer data, team processes, and organizational needs.

Do some CRM research. Once you have a comprehensive overview of your circumstances, it’s wise to ask yourself some key questions to ensure that those elements are properly taken into account in the CRM software implementation process.

implement, do, crm implementation

What Can We Learn From past CRM Implementation Failure?

Previous failures are some of the best teachers, and picking out what didn’t work in the past can lead you directly to success in the next attempt. Usually, CRM implementation risks stem from organizations failing to ask this key question.

If you have attempted a CRM implementation in the past, it’s essential to look at why that didn’t go as planned and use those insights to craft an improved plan.

Questions to Ask About Past CRM Implementation Failure

  •  What went wrong the last time we tried to implement a CRM system?
  • Was the issue the team doing the CRM implementation? What did they do (or not do) that negatively impacted the project?
  • Was the tool a good fit for your business to begin with?

Does The Pricing Make Sense?

In a perfect world, money isn’t a factor, and we could recommend the absolute top-shelf CRM solution to every business. Sadly, we don’t live in that world and financials are inevitably going to be a factor in your decision-making. Will this solution have a positive impact on your ROI?

Getting trapped in a financial tarpit is a massive risk of embarking on a CRM and its one you want to avoid at all costs. Obviously, nobody knows your financial situation better than you and your own accounting department and CRM pricing is itself a massive topic that could be an article all on its own. For a more in-depth look at the intricacies of the price of your new system, check out our blog on CRM software pricing.

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Will Our Staff Need Training for the New CRM System?

Once the CRM solution is implemented, one of the top CRM implementation challenges is making sure your team members know how to use this new tool. User acceptance is one of the biggest hurdles organizations face with new CRM technology, as teams will often grow very familiar with existing systems and may be apprehensive to change.

As valuable as a new CRM system can be, there is always going to be a growing pain phase of your staff learning the ins and outs of the program. This can vary from weeks to even years depending on your team’s ability to adapt, but the longer it lasts the higher impact both your bottom line and customer satisfaction.

Thankfully, training options exist to help get your business processes off the ground smoothly. Most CRM vendors offer some level of training for new licensees, allowing your team to get information on their new CRM system straight from the source itself.

Additionally, consulting firms are available with expert level knowledge of successful CRM implementation strategies that can assist in user adoption rates once your new CRM system is in place.

Are You In Organizational Chaos?

One of the many reasons organizations seek out CRM system implementation is a sheer lack of ordered business processes. If your organization is in chaos, it can be difficult to track customer satisfaction, sales performance, and other metrics, and it’s part of the reason why lack of business organization is one of the biggest drivers of CRM software sales.

But sometimes we’re too close to our own situations to see them for what they are. IF any of the following sounds like your business, it’s time to consider starting the CRM implementation process:

Signs You Need CRM Software for Organizational Cohesion

  • Team cannot align internally on best step, KPIs or system selection.
  • You can’t easily answer questions around data because systems are siloed, or processes are manual.
  • Lax data management processes.
  • Your lack clearly defined goals to measure your marketing/sales teams successes.
  • You’ve got a point solution for every part of the business.
  • You don’t have a strong plan for scaling and flexibility with any platform/integrated approach.

Blueprinting for Successful Implementation

Customer relationship management software represents a significant investment for your organization. Letting your CRM implementation project fall through the cracks due to poor planning and risk management is entirely avoidable. At BrainSell, we take the time to learn the ins and outs of your business and roll out a multi-layered, phased approach to your CRM implementation plan to mitigate risks and guarantee CRM success with your new system.

Contact BrainSell today to talk to our CRM integration experts about our blueprinting and consulting services. Successful implementation of your new system is just a phone call away.

Solution Blueprinting

Want to find out more about our solution blueprinting offerings? Check out our free sample blueprint to get an idea of what you’re in for.

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Author Bio

Connor O'Keefe

Connor O'Keefe joined BrainSell as the content marketing manager in 2023 but has enjoyed writing since he was old enough to spell his name. Connor's passion for creating content is rivaled only on his love for camping trips and trivia nights.

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