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Mergers, Cybersecurity and Blueprints: How to Plan Your CRM Implementation 

If data is king in the digital age, then access to that data is as valuable as gold. But wherever there’s something valuable, there will inevitably be thieves and other nefarious figures trying to steal it. That’s were cybersecurity firms come in.

Our latest case study client is a risk management company that offers full end-to-end cybersecurity services for clients all around the world. Their precise services include network security monitoring, vulnerability management, threat detection and response, identity management, application security testing, and cloud security assurance. Boasting six operation centers across the US, Canada, India and the UK and more than 800 staff members, the company is a powerhouse of the cybersecurity world, despite its status as a relatively new company.

The Challenge 

Being the result of a merger, the firm faced the uniquely challenging prospect of combining two different companies’ CRM platforms into one cohesive system. The two previously existing systems were not going to be able to coexist within the new entity when they moved over to using Salesforce. A total CRM restructuring was necessary for a unified sales framework as the marketing and sales teams evolved and adjusted their strategies post-merger.

Implementing a new solution can be difficult at the best of times, to say nothing about the unique circumstances of a high-powered merger. Each firm had unique solutions with data representing years’ worth of operation from both organizations. Errors in the implementation could prove to be disastrous and should be avoided at all costs. To ensure a smooth transition, the leadership team tapped into the expertise of BrainSell Technologies’ CRM consultants. Our experienced professionals took charge of the entire migration process, from the initial planning to the final implementation and testing. We fully assessed existing systems and worked closely with both companies’ teams to plan how to best rollout Salesforce with minimal impact on day-to-day operations.

Download The Case Study Here!

The Solution 

The client didn’t just need to roll out Salesforce quickly; they needed it rolled out correctly. They understood that the reason that an overwhelming majority of implementations fail is due to poor planning. Leadership knew that they needed an airtight strategy to start their CRM efforts on the right foot.

The client’s leadership team brought in the professionals at BrainSell to assist them in their CRM migration/implementation. It was determined that the best course of action was to take a step back, slow down, and draft a detailed plan for implementation that allowed the firm to cover all key goals.

BrainSell worked with the leadership team to create the blueprint for how Salesforce would work in the confines of their business. Using Salesforce as a single source of truth, they determined the best course of action would be to tie it into their other solutions as a hub; a Grand Central Station of data.

The process could be broken down into a few key phases, carried out over the course of a few months:

  • Deep Dives from SMEs
  • Data migration set up and configuration.
  • Phased solution roll out across all relevant teams
  • QA Testing
  • Training
  • 30 Day Post-implementation Support Window

The Results 

At the end of the blueprinting process, the client had a solid vision for what needed to happen to successfully implement Salesforce. The addition of a training program proved invaluable, as user adoption and training are two of the biggest reasons why most implementation projects fail in the long-term.

All projects of this nature hit some level of unexpected snag, some unanticipated error; it’s just the nature of this type of work, especially at this scale and with as many moving parts. But the beauty of the blueprint was that it allowed the client firm to anticipate and create contingencies for the most common pitfalls like user adoption, data corruption, systems integrations and the like. With those common pitfalls accounted for, the team was able to address the truly unexpected issues with full force and get them squared away much more quickly.

The final result was a successful implementation of Salesforce that helped the client streamline their sales processes, improve data accuracy and security, and ultimately increase the efficiency of their operations.

The Impact

Once it was underway, the implementation program was extremely promising. With clear goals and a focused end point, the process, which is usually fraught with complications, roadblocks and difficulties, went smoothly from the start. The team found that their relatively fast implementation process got their new firm off the ground and operating on the timetable they had been hoping for.

Most significantly, the smooth Salesforce implementation allowed the firm to get their newfound business off the ground that much quicker. With the help of BrainSell’s team, they were able to optimize data accuracy and security, which enabled them to effectively analyze customer trends and provide superior cybersecurity service to their customers worldwide.


Like what you see? Get a closer look!

The BrainSell team did a lot of excellent work with this client. Download our case study to read more!

Download The Case Study Here!

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