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Upcoming Webinar on August 8th

Zendesk for Manufacturing: AI-Driven Customer Support and Service

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Sugar Discover backend on a mac laptop

Sugar Discover

Business Intelligence

Answer your most important Sales questions fast.

*Only available to SugarCRM users

Like what you see? Get a closer look.

What Can You Do with Sugar Discover?

What are the benefits of Sugar Discover?

  • More predictable revenue resulting from:
    • Faster identification and resolution of funnel problems and their root causes;
    • Ability to identify sales and marketing opportunities quickly; and
    • More accurate forecasting.
  • Improved agility and speed of business.
  • Better business outcomes from more data-driven decisions.
  • Less money and time to get the sales process information you require.
Check out this short demo of Sugar Discover!
Sugar Sell + Sugar Discover = Time-Aware Analytics

Tired of research? Just want straight answers?

A man in a scientist lab coat holding his head and yelling in frustration

Benefits of working with BrainSell

  • We guarantee you’ll get in touch with us on the first call.
  • We practice what we preach – business growth (since 1994).
  • You’ll get Big-Firm advice, without the sticker shock.
  • You get a partner for the long haul — your success is our success!